by Rae Glover, Volunteer at A Forever Home Rescue
Animal Rescue Bob is a 4.5-month-old Terrier mix weighing approximately 10 lbs. He came to us with his litter mates, His coat color is a snowy white. He is lovable, playful, happy, frisky and adorable. He gets along well with his friends and other small dogs. He is good with cats but has not been child-tested. His adoption donation is $350 which includes his neuter, (when he’s old enough) 3 puppy vaccinations and microchip. He is too young to be heartworm tested. He will definitely fill your home with love and laughter.
For more information, or to schedule a meet-n-greet, please contact Lori via phone/text at (407) 221-1855, or e-mail:
You may apply to adopt by utilizing our online adoption application: Adoption Information
Dog food donations needed from Amazon, Chewy, & PetSmart websites Purina pro plan classic savory Chicken & Rice Pate 13oz cans mail to AFHAR, 1400 South Bay St. Eustis, Fl. 32726. Please donate using our PayPal q-code.