The City of Tavares' Rec Rover

In one of its more unique acts of creativity, the City of Tavares is pleased to introduce to the community the newest addition to its vehicle fleet—the Rec Rover!

Beginning as an idea to bring recreational activities to the community, Community Services Project Manager, Scott Aldrich, states, “Without a true brick-and-mortar recreation center within our community, the Rec Rover will give our department a unique mobile opportunity to bring the fun of playing games and activities out to our community via parks, schools, playgrounds, bus stops, open green spaces and many more!  We are excited about the endless opportunities this gives our department to help build our community.”

This vehicle began as Police SWAT vehicle and has been painted on one side with chalk paint for kids to draw on and then wrapped in a colorful, kid-attracting graphic design.  The truck is equipped with a small freezer so that ice pops will always be on hand, a Karaoke machine for the budding performer, and it is full of games for young and old alike.

The Rec Rover will make its debut at an upcoming city event:  Beats on the Brick on Friday, January 11th from 6-9 pm and it will make surprise visits to random communities, it will be center-stage at several future city events, it will appear at the city’s summer camp, at its library, and at the Senior Shakedown events




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