The BOYS PRODUCE STAND provided by the Farmers of Groveland and run by Ricky Henderson and Roy Hendon, has been set up at the Lions Gun Range, across from the new Public Safety Complex and the Tractor Supply on SR50 in Groveland.
Lion Dan Strauss says the stand is helping the Lions in a big way and expects business at the stand to get even better.
Five hundred dollars was recently donated to the Faith Neighborhood Center (FNC) from proceeds generated by the BOYS PRODUCE STAND. FNC Executive Director Patricia Kyr says $500 will enable the Center to buy $5,000 worth of food. Demands on the Center are expected to keep growing and donations to the Center would be greatly welcomed. Contact FNC at #352 429-1200.
Lion Dan Strauss says that the Lions will not be back on their Saturdays shooting schedule until it’s safe to do so. The Club has also had to suspend Club meetings as well.
The Club is always looking for new Lions. If you would like to be a Lion, contact President Clif Brown at clif1963@gmail.com