Keep Lake Beautiful

The South Lake Tablet is going to publish this press release along with a plea for everyone to take pride in their community and Keep Lake Beautiful.

Keep Lake Beautiful  – During this time when residents are utilizing personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect themselves from COVID-19, Keep Lake Beautiful would like to remind everyone to also protect our environment from PPE litter by properly disposing of these items. PPE can include plastic or rubber gloves, used sanitizing wipes, masks, and used cleaning supplies. Please properly dispose of these items in a trash can and do not leave them on the ground. If there is no trash can nearby, please keep the used items in a bag until they can be properly disposed of at home.

Properly disposing of used PPE items and used cleaning supplies prevents them from becoming litter and ending up in the environment and local water bodies. Many of these items contain plastics and nitrile rubber that do not break down quickly and will remain as litter for an extended time. For example, some types of plastic, such as a plastic bag, can take 10 or more years to break down and other types, such as a plastic bottle, can take 450 or more years to break down.

Keep Lake Beautiful (KLB) seeks to lead the way to a cleaner and more beautiful Lake County by engaging citizens and encouraging community participation. KLB is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, the nation’s leading nonprofit agency that focuses on building and maintaining vibrant communities. For more information on KLB

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