by Kevin Grogan, Dash-Sports

Take a ride through Minneola near the new turnpike exit and you will see why many of us have concern.  Go for a walk or run on Lakeshore Drive past Palisades and you will feel it.  The area is booming with growth.  While this might not be so evident to newcomers to the area, those that have been a long while definitely see it.   Doug Shields is one of these long times residents.  Shields is a huge advocate of slowing things down especially when the planning does not come first.  We caught up with Shields just as he announced he has seen enough and decided to jump into the race to represent us as a County Commissioner.

South Lake Tablet:  Tell us how you came to the Clermont area?

Shields: When my wife and I moved from Syracuse, New York ten years ago, Clermont was our first choice.  My wife’s parents lived here.  Upon visiting, we immediately fell in love with the unique rural terrain of Lake County.  This area stands out when compared with the flat and overdeveloped areas on the coasts.  As a lifetime waterskier and rower, a small lake in a rural location is ideal for me.  When my wife found Saw Mill Lake it was game over! 

South Lake Tablet:  Saw Mill Lake is also my favorite lake in our county.  In your opinion what is the best thing about it?

Shields:  Saw Mill Lake is small enough that we know almost everyone on the lake, but it’salso big enough that if you want your space you can enjoy it.  With two water ski courses it’s paradise for competitive water skiers–and for those of us that wish we were competitive.  I also love to row in the quiet early mornings, listen to all of the native birds, and enjoy the other wildlife.  Clermont is home to numerous athletes and sportsmen.  Saw Mill Lake is no exception.  Over the years, our tiny little lake has evolved into a haven for skiers, wakeboarders, rowers, paddleboarders, swimmers, cyclists, runners, triathletes, fishermen, walkers alike.  To top it off, the sunrises and sunsets are absolutely magical!

South Lake Tablet:: Talk about your childhood and how this made you the local leader you are today.

Shields: My mother was my Cub Scout Den Leader.  My father was my Boy Scout Troop Leader.  They both helped run our Methodist Church, among other things.  Taking on challenging leadership roles and caring about people has been a matter of following their examples.  Becoming an Eagle Scout, academics, professional achievement, and community leadership are the natural results of my upbringing.

South Lake Tablet::   What do you enjoy doing during your downtime?

Shields:  I love to sit in front of my stereo after lunch to recharge my batteries if I’m home.  I try to hit the gym three times a week, row, and water ski.  If the grandkids are in town everything else becomes second priority!

South Lake Tablet:   How did you get involved being a leader in our area?

Shields:  Shortly after I moved here, I saw one of those yellow “land use amendment” signs and started making some calls.  I soon discovered that the associated proposal would pose an irreversible threat to local ecology, the county water supply, nearby school capacity, local road traffic, and the property rights and investments of hundreds of local residents.  Urgent action was necessary to maintain quality of life and we responded with a call to action.  As a community, hundreds of residents galvanized in an effort to preserve land use protections for this beautiful area adjacent to the Green Swamp., a grassroots community organization, was born, providing enthusiastic residents with a powerful and lasting voice in the conversation about future growth in Lake County.  Following its initial success, this organization has repeatedly and effectively lent its support to other community groups facing similar challenges.

South Lake Tablet: You are one of the most approachable guys I know.  Why is this so important to you?

Shields:  Well thank you for saying that.  I imagine it is just a matter of being comfortable in your own skin, knowing what you stand for, and not allowing others to define you.  I truly enjoy meeting others, bringing people together, listening to ideas, and sharing great stories.  Being a good neighbor and a responsible citizen involves interacting with people.  Those things have always been important to me.

South Lake Tablet:   What is your vision for Lake County going forward?

Shields:  I’m enthusiastic about the long-term vision set forth in the Lake County Comprehensive Plan because it allows for smart growth that benefits county citizens.  If leveraged wisely, the impact fees drawn from our continued growth can fund much-needed road improvements, school capacity, beautiful open spaces, and other great amenities that benefit everyone.  If we follow the thoughtful guidance in this established plan, we won’t have to choose between growth and a great place to live.  By making the right choices, we can certainly have both.


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