Article and Pictures by Carl Gordon
Clermont Mayor Tim Murry and South Lake Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors spent St Patrick’s Day morning ushering in the third generation of Rocker Realty’s service to the community with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Emily Phillips took the reins of the business when her mother, Janet Cox, retired January 1. Emily, along with Tracy Summers, staff the office located at 684 West Montrose Street in downtown Clermont right across from city hall.
Phillips, mother Janet Cox and grandparents John and Mary Rocker have been members of the chamber for 38 years and Rocker Realty is one of the oldest real estate firms in the South Lake area, having been in service since 1972.
Emily offers quality real estate services and she specializes in property management as well.
Their website can be found at and their office phone number is 352-394-3570. Rocker Realty is open Monday through Friday 10-4 with other hours as scheduled in the field.