submitted by Donna Digennaro, Clermont Historical Society

Clermont Mayor, Tim Murry was the featured speaker at the September meeting of the Clermont Historical Society.  As he did last year, Mayor Murry gave the members of the Historical Society an overview of projects the city is currently working on and of proposals for the future.  The city is continuing to move forward with the landscaping project that started several years ago.  Right now, Phase 3, Montrose Street is in process.  During each phase as the streets were being resurfaced with bricks, all the utilities below the streets were being upgraded to provide better service for the residents now and in the future.

Wellness Way is something that has been discussed for quite some time.  The city is working with other levels of government like Lake County as well as the County Board of Education to bring this project forward.  One of the major aspects of it will be the increased connectivity it will bring when it joins Route 429.  Wellness Way will also have cutting-edge technology with roads that automatically charge electric vehicles as they drive along them.

Given that this is the time of year when the city is engaged in its annual budget discussions, this is something of interest to all residents.  Clermont currently has the lowest millage rate in the area.  Its two closest neighbors, Groveland & Minneola, have much higher rates.  In fact, if the new rate currently being discussed is approved, Clermont will still have a lower rate than either of its neighbors.  Governmental budgeting is very different than personal budgeting.  One major difference has to do with the allocation of funds.  If there are funds earmarked for specific types of projects, say infrastructure, that money cannot, by law, be used for any other purpose.  So, it may look like the city has funds available but, it really does not.

The Historical Society is pleased that the Mayor and City Council have been strong supporters of it and of the Historic Village.  They have encouraged projects like the new Chapel and the sign displaying the original letters from the Clermont High School sign.  The Historical Society invites everyone to come by any weekend between 1:00 & 4:00 to not only look at the wonderful buildings but to tour them.  Docents are on hand to take you through the buildings, or you can view them at your own pace, taking advantage of recorded information in the buildings.  A donation of $5.00 per person over 12 is requested.  Mark your calendars right now for November 5th when the Historical Society will be hosting its annual Heritage Day festival from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM.

Photo by Larry Oskin


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