From the SPCA Florida
I’m Dior! I dressed up for Easter this weekend and STILL didn’t find a home. What’s up with that? And, it started me thinking… There’s something suspicious about these holiday characters that keep showing up.
Santa Paws was here a couple of months ago, right? He only gives presents to good cats and dogs. I obviously wished for a home, but I guess I hadn’t been good enough, because he mumbled something about “Diva” and it “isn’t nice to pull my beard” and left without giving me a new family. How dare he? I have catitude and know what I want. That is peace and quiet, and lots of treats. Nothing wrong with that.
Anymeows, I figured I’d take my chances with the Easter Bunny instead. He hops around and throws eggs all over the place without asking about naughty or nice. You can bite someone and still get an egg! If anyone could get me a home without wanting too much in return, it would be him. Nope. Nothing. I got some treats, but no new humans to admire me. He’s obviously just as bogus as Santa.
I’ll just have to take matters into my own paws. Check out my new purrrsonality profile: 
DIOR HATES: Non-consensual petting, being picked up, hugs, dieting, noisy kids, noisy adults, noisy dogs, anyone who can’t tolerate a little swatting
DIOR LOVES: Munching Friskies and Temptations treats, rolling in catnip, snuggling in a covered bed, perching up high to survey her kingdom, cat people who respect her space, minimal petting by invitation only!
It is pawfect! Hurry to and schedule a time for an audience… I mean, a time to see me.
Purrs from Dior
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