The South Lake Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a ribbon-cutting for Paladin Healthcare LLC, located at 940 W. Oakland Avenue in Oakland.
LTJG Gary Schindele
Paladin Healthcare manufactures and distributes Fairfield-style medical equipment management rail and accessories, med gas headwall units, and triage/transport carts. The company delivers products to Department of Defense healthcare facilities worldwide, and for some of the most prestigious healthcare providers in the United States. It also has distribution throughout Europe and the Middle East
Gary Schindele, the company’s president, cut the ceremonial ribbon.
If you don’t recognize Schindele in the picture, it’s because he is normally seen wearing his U.S.Navy uniform. Commanding Officer LTJG Gary Schindele was instrumental in organizing the Clermont Battalion, US Sea Cadetsand remains its mainstay.
LTJG Gary Schindele
The Clermont Battalion, US Sea Cadetes is a program sponsored by the Navy League of the United States and supported by both the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. Locally, the Clermont Battalion is sponsored by the City of Clermont Police Department.
Learn more about Paladin Healthcare LLC by visiting itswebsite.