by Michelle Delaney, THE SOUTH LAKE TABLET

There is a barrage of breaking news and a lot of people glued to their TVs.  Watching news all day, won’t change what’s happening, but will change how you feel and how you approach life.

Sure, you should follow advisories and stay in the know, but that doesn’t mean you need to stay tuned 24/7. Rather than being absorbed by minute-to-minute news, take a break; make a to-do list, go for a walk, read a book, call or email friends, and if you are blessed to be home with family, enjoy every minute (it’s truly possible).  LAUGH, Find the humor and LAUGH. 

We are all going through this adventure together.  Everyone has a choice. Some will approach the COVID-19 pandemic in gloom and doom, some will be positive, and some will be creative and productive. Your life and how you live it is up to you.

If you feel anxious, confused, alone, please remember we are all in this together. The only people who are truly alone are those who want to be.


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