A $6,000 grant was presented to Thrive Clermont

Thrive Clermont was one of the South Lake Chamber of Commerce Breakfast sponsors on March 18. Sheri Lewin and members of Thrive provided a presentation to those attending explaining the mission and programs available to local youth in the south Lake area. 

Thrive Clermont is a charitable youth engagement organization whose mission is empowering teens to succeed through skill-building, socialization, and mentoring programs offered year-round.

Thrive’s programs offer teens the ability to not only enhance their socialization skills, but also build on an established foundation as they progress towards adulthood and prepare for the challenges that come with life beyond high school.

Thrive Clermont Teen Advisory Council (TAC) offers opportunities for up to 40 students annually, to be directly involved in the creation, planning and execution of programs offered to area teens. Each TAC member receives individual mentoring to identify and build the students’ skills. This diverse council offers a unique opportunity for students who serve to experience volunteer/leadership roles that enrich learning.

Thrive Clermont proudly announced that the organization was recently selected by the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation as one of 20 charities across the U.S. to receive a $6,000 grant for their significant impact in their communities. The ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was launched in 2020 to bolster the charitable efforts of American Land Title Assoc.(ALTA) members. Grants are awarded every year in March and October. 
Thrive Clermont is located at 614 E Hwy 50, suite 183, Clermont.
Contact number is 352-394-1125. Learn more by visiting website Thrive Clermont. 
SouthState Bank, Joe Reyes, was the Chamber Breakfast co-sponsor.  
South State Bank is located at 1105 W. Broad St. Groveland. To learn more, visit website: SouthState Bank 
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