Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) celebrated, ‘Another Day In Paradise’, its 71st ESA Florida State Council Convention at The Renaissance Orlando. Sigma Phi, Clermont was the conference host.
On Friday evening, April 29, members were welcomed at a meet and greet social hour. Dinner, skits, bids and announcements followed.
Early Saturday morning, doors opened and the meetings began with a call to order and welcoming remarks.

During the luncheon, recognition was given to Florida chapters and individuals who provide invaluable service to the community. The two south Lake Chapters (Beta Theta and Sigma Phi) showed that they did their part.
Beta Theta received 2nd place for Easter Seals Hours and St. Judes Hours.
Sigma Phi received 2nd place for Local Philanthropic Hours; Local Philanthropic Monies, and State Philanthropic Monies.
The Ruth Roy Membership award (3rd place) was received by Sigma Phi.
(Other awards received by the South Lake chapters)
Sigma Phi – Miss Enthusiasm, Joy Lehnert
Beta Theta – Gold Hearts, Terry Moherek
Sigma Phi – Gold Hearts, Joy Lehnert
Beta Theta – Gold Link, Terry Moherek
Sigma Phi – Gold Link, Joy Lehnert
Distinguished Athenian: Janet Jones, Sigma Phi

Eleanor Lofgren, a member of Beta Theta who passed this year, was recognized at the Memorial/Celebration of Life Service. Eleanor served as a member of ESA for over 50 years.
Mid-Year 2022 will be hosted by Alpha Nu, Merrit Island and Nu Alpha, Cocoa Beach on October 1 at Faith Presbyterian Church. Leadership 2023 will be hosted by Sigma Phi, Clermont on March 18, at Green Valley County Club, Groveland.
The 2023 ESA Convention will be hosted by Rho Chi, Wesley Chapel on May 19-21 at Venetian Hotel in Venice, FL. The 2024 Convention will be hosted by the Missile Area Council on May 17-20 at Cocoa Beach at the Doubletree, Hilton or Radisson.
This year, Epsilon Sigma Alpha also celebrates its 50-year partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. In 1962, Danny Thomas opened the doors of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and ten years later members of Epsilon Sigma Alpha became elite volunteers and fundraisers for his hospital.