Pictured l-r: Kiwanian Chuck Seaver; Tim Hancock, FCA and Kiwanian Kassi Murry.
Tim Hancock of the  South Lake County Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) attended a Kiwanis Club of Clermont meeting for a  follow-up chat regarding the recent Prayer Breakfast fundraiser that the Kiwanians held on May 5, at Gabby’s Banquet. The Kiwanis Club of Clermont had announced that proceeds from this year’s Prayer Breakfast would be awarded to The Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The FCA is a non-profit whose mission is to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.  Visit Southlakecountyfca.org to learn more about the vision and values of this great organization. 
To learn more about the Kiwanis Club of Clermont, visit KCC.
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