by Chuck Seaver, Kiwanis Club of Clermont
The Kiwanis Club of Clermont participated in the Miracle League of Lake County’s Annual Fall Season Baseball Opening Day.
Refreshments and volunteer support were provided by the club as well as a sponsor donation to help with player costs.
The Miracle League is a baseball league for physically and mentally disabled people of all ages. The league is not just about baseball. It is also about building self-confidence and self-esteem, making new friends and making dreams come true.
The league plays at The Miracle Field at Lake Idamere, Tavares. The field is specifically designed and equipped to accommodate wheelchairs, crutches and other special need requirements.
Tony Ferris has served the Miracle League for many years and was instrumental in the development and creation of Miracle Field.
We would like to thank our co-sponsors for this event, Winn-Dixie of Clermont, and both Clermont Chick-fil-A locations.