submitted by Shauna Vaughan

Koda the Fluff is a therapy dog whose online videos have gone internationally viral. She has become  “accidentally” world-famous! And she lives in south Lake County. 

Koda and her assistant Jena visit hospitals, including children’s hospitals; fire and police stations; schools, and anywhere to bring smiles to the people she visits. People’s hearts are warmed when they see her fluffy self in her sunglasses and red convertible.
Koda’s has a non-profit, aptly named Smiles Fur Miles aimed at bringing smiles to the community and to the world.  And recently, she has published her first book and released a calendar.
On Saturday, March 4 from 1-3 pm, Koda’s first public “paw-tograph” signing will be held at Sunshine Book Co. located at 647 Lake Ave., Clermont. Limited books will be available for purchase on the day of the event. Illustrator Lindsey Moreland will be there as well. Lindsey is an autistic artist who sent Koda one of her drawings, and the rest is history! Koda and Lindsey teamed up to write this children’s book.
Books can be purchased through Amazon.
A portion of proceeds from book sales go towards funding Koda’s pet therapy adventures through her non-profit, Smile Fur Miles. And a portion also goes toward Lindsey’s autism awareness projects. 
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