Groveland, Lake County, and the Lake-Sumter MPO are leading a transportation summit on March 1 at 6 PM at the Puryear Building in Groveland.  Despite the lofty name, the meeting is intended to be an informal meeting.  Our local transportation leaders will provide updates on transportation projects and needs as well as conservation strategies for future growth. 

County commissioner and Board Chairman Kirby Smith will open the meeting.  Brief presentations will be provided by Fred Schneider, Lake County Public Works Director; Mike Woods, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO); and Groveland leaders, TJ Fish, Director of Transportation and Public Works and Tim Maslow, Community Development Director. 

The presentations will be followed by a citizen question and answer period. 

The meeting will be at the Puryear Building, 243 South Lake Avenue in Groveland. 

For more information, contact either Groveland at 352-429-2141 or the MPO at 352-315-0170. 

News and more about your MPO at:

Groveland Welcome Packet or visit

More on the SR50 realignment in Groveland.

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