What is TAC?
TAC is our leadership development program where students have the opportunity to work with professional mentors to design and execute our year-round programs for the teen community.
TAC Teams

There are weekly meetings and one Friday a month, all teams attend an in-person meeting. Each TAC member will choose to serve on one or more of our teams:
- Video Team – Weekly Wednesday Zooms at 4:30 pm plus monthly in-person recording sessions. Students on this team will participate in the production of TAC Talk – Teens Advancing Conversation, a new YouTube series/podcast. Mentored by a professional videographer, students will have the opportunity to work as an interview host, serve on the filming crew, or support post-production editing for 9 episodes per semester. Skills gained: scriptwriting, interviewing, filming, editing, music, video production.

- Social Media Team – Weekly Wednesday Zooms at 4:30 pm. Students on this team will support the design and execution of Thrive’s social media campaigns. Mentored by a PR/Marketing professional, students work in Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook to engage with the community. Skills gained: group brainstorming, strategic process development, graphic development, copywriting, time management, data analysis, and safe online engagement.
Marianne Hunnel leading the create your own spice blends class for the Summer PopUps - Event Planning Team – Weekly Thursday Zooms at 4:30 pm plus attendance at events. TAC members on this team shadow adult volunteers on all aspects of Thrive’s Adulting Workshops, Summer PopUps, and GiveBack Days. Students learn about and support the many tasks required to develop, fund, and implement the dynamic programs that Thrive offers. Skills gained: creative problem solving, multitasking, budgeting, establishing SOPs and FAQs, written and oral communication.

- Community Outreach (All members, optional) – TAC members gain public speaking experience by presenting our teen program successes to local groups such as the Kiwanis Club, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, City of Groveland City Council, Clermont City Council, South Lake Business Leaders, and more. Thrive TAC members also volunteer in the Thrive Clermont booth at Community Events such as Groveland’s Founder’s Day, Law Enforcement’s National Night Out, and Pig on the Pond.
More information on the Teen Advisory Council: