By Grace Rabano & The Clermont Garden Club
Every month, from September through May, Clermont Garden Club members loan plants to Cooper Memorial Library and Clermont City Hall to promote horticulture awareness and connect our community to Clermont Garden Club’s programs, civic activities, and community outreach.
Clermont Garden Club member, Linda Lauletta has loaned an Anthurium spp., Flamingo Flower to Cooper Memorial Library for the month of September. The plant is a herbaceous perennial that likes bright indirect light sitting in a coarse, moist potting mix. It flowers year round (usually at 3-month intervals) and comes in colors of red, pink, or white with a contrasting spadix. An anthurium can also be grown in a glass of water: Keep the glass two-thirds full of water and add a drop or two of liquid houseplant fertilizer to the water every 10-14 days. Fill the bottom 3 inches of the glass with small pebbles to anchor roots. Anthuriums symbolize hospitality with their flowers that inspire happiness and abundance.
Clermont Garden Club member, Cindy Simon loaned a Fittonia argyroneura to Clermont City Hall. The Fittonia argyroneura is a striking houseplant due to the color combination in its leaves: pink and green, white and green, or green and red. Growing this plant is easy: It does have the tendency to look wilted when you neglect to water it, but it can perk right back up once it is watered. The plant is pet-friendly, likes bright indirect light and prefers moist soil (but not soggy).
Clermont Garden Club member, Cindy Simon, loaned a Fittonia argyroneura to Clermont City Hall.
Clermont Garden Club members meet every third Wednesday of the month (September through May) at the clubhouse located at 849 West Avenue, Clermont, FL (except during scheduled field trips or luncheons). Meetings begin by 10:00 am Light refreshments will be served. New members and guests are warmly welcome.
Clermont Garden Club is a 501 c3 nonprofit organization.