Every month, from September through May, Clermont Garden Club members loan plants to Cooper Memorial Library and Clermont City Hall to promote horticulture awareness and connect our community to Clermont Garden Club’s programs, civic activities, and community outreach.

Clermont Garden Club President, Gwen Carter, shared Tillandsia plants, aka “Air Plants” with Clermont City Hall. Tillandsia is a genus of around 650 species of evergreen perennial plants in the family Bromeliaceae. They are called “Air Plants” since they don’t require soil, but instead take nutrients from the air. Air Plants are epiphytes, meaning they grow in nature on another tree, host, or object. Air Plants do best with a few hours of bright, indirect sun daily. Place within 1-3 feet of an east or west-facing window, or a foot or 2 of an artificial light source. To water, soak the air plant upside down in water for 20 minutes every 2 weeks (more if in dry areas). The best water to use is rainwater, aquarium water, or pond water because these are rich in nutrients.