Charles Broadway, who has served the community with dedication and integrity, was recently honored by the South Lake Chamber of Commerce as he prepares to step into his new role as Kissimmee’s Chief of Police.
At the Chamber’s March Breakfast, the former Police Chief was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the city of Clermont. Chamber President David Colby presented him with the prestigious President’s Award, a testament to his leadership and commitment to public safety.
“It is our privilege to present Chief Broadway with the President’s Award in appreciation of his dedicated service and leadership,” said Colby.
During his tenure, Chief Broadway played a pivotal role in strengthening community relationships, enhancing public safety initiatives, and fostering a culture of excellence within the Clermont Police Department. His impact on the community will not be forgotten, and his leadership will be greatly missed.
As he transitions to his new position in Kissimmee, Clermont bids farewell with gratitude, knowing that his commitment to serving and protecting will continue to make a difference in Central Florida.
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