A busy Clermont intersection, neither Hancock Road nor SR 50 are owned or maintained by the City.

Did you know that only about 26 percent of the paved roads that wind and turn through Clermont are owned and maintained by the City of Clermont?

Road Ownership

The City owns and maintains 106 miles or about 26 percent of the estimated 405 miles of paved roads. Lake County owns 72 miles and the Florida Department of Transportation is responsible for about 40 miles including State Road (SR) 50 and Highway 27. 

City staff compiled road information and created a map to reflect ownership. This interactive map allows viewers to select a road or street and learn who owns it and is responsible for the maintenance. It also provides a telephone number for non-private roads. The roads are color-coded based on ownership. City of Clermont roads are green, Lake County roads are red, yellow designates state-owned roads and private roads are blue. To view the full map, click www.ClermontFl.gov/clermontroads

The remaining 187 miles are private roads, and maintenance falls to the owner. For example, Hancock Road, Hartwood Marsh Road and Citrus Tower Boulevard are all within the Clermont city limits, however, they are owned by Lake County and the City is not allowed to repair or maintain them.

Private roads are usually part of a gated community where limited access is granted and controlled. The property owner is responsible for road maintenance and a portion of monthly homeowner dues are often designated for road maintenance and repair. 

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