Pictured: Toby. A Read to Sydney Volunteer

Feature Story and Photos by Larry H. Oskin

Thom Battisto, founder of Read to Sydney, launched the program to help local Central Florida area children who have reading difficulties. Over the past 11 years, Read to Sydney has expanded with a charitable mobile program and a mission to help children with and without disabilities learn how to read.

Read to Sydney has successfully brought pre-K children, high school students and adults with Toby and other certified therapy dogs to practice reading in a stress-free environment to make it more fun. While it was first launched with Battisto’s service dog Sydney, he still carries on with his loveable pet beagle service dog – Toby. Many thousands of books have been given to young children and their families.

Read to Sydney Founder Thom Battisto

Thom Battisto’s personal experience with the challenges of reading serves as the foundation and underlying drive of this organization which is steadily growing and gaining in popularity. Thom notes, “This organization was started because I was one of those children who grew up with reading challenges and a learning disability. I was unfortunately made fun of and bullied by the other children in school. When I saw first-hand all the children and young adults with the same issues, I knew I had to step up and help them any way that I could!” Battisto adds, “Everyone really does need to be able to read, write and properly communicate. The learned skill of reading is absolutely necessary and essential for school, college, work and all lifecycle events. Today, to many people suffer from success due to the challenges of reading. We want to help as many children and families as we can!”

 Local & National Applause! Read to Sydney has been proudly featured in local media and TV.  With a story on Access Hollywood, the nationally televised exposure dramatically increased the number of requests from local area schools, libraries, children’s groups and nursing homes as well as for ongoing public appearances. At these performance appearances, the children are provided with free books. They are then invited to have fun reading their books to a certified therapy dog, with the help of parents, teachers, grandparents, volunteers and friends. Reading and spending time with pets has proven to be a rewarding, healthy and fun experience. Battisto has found that reading to therapy dogs really does seem to help elevate confidence, self-esteem and reading skills. It also provides a valuable new sense of comfort while relieving stress and anxiety for those who are challenged by basic reading skills.

Pictured L-R: SLCC Ambassador, Kiwanis Club of Clermont President Chuck Seaver, Read to Sydney Founder Thom Battisto, SLCC President David Colby, Clermont Mayor Tim Murry and Kassier Murry.

Books, Volunteers, Sponsors and Donors Needed! Donated books in new or gently used condition always help. Donated funds help Battisto achieve his goal of keeping the Read to Sydney program on the road with a mobile operation that is ready to travel to various community events and school locations.

Pictured Thom Battisto shows off his Read to Sydney bookmobile

The operation includes the purchase of a cargo-type van that can be retrofitted as a mini library and a home away from home for the organization’s service dog. The Clermont Kiwanis Club has been a very big sponsor and donor. Clermont Kiwanis President Chuck Seaver adds, “Our Clermont Kiwanis organization is very grateful to be able to partner with Thom Battisto and his Read to Sydney community projects! We have created a great partnership that has benefitted both of our organizations in expanded community service and growth.”

A new Read To Sydney Book Box is located at Headquarters Honda

Book Drop Boxes & Bookmobile: Included in the Read to Sydney free book pick-up and drop box locations include Headquarter Honda, Headquarter Mazda, Dreamplex, Orlando Cat Café, Building Block Ministries, Weichert Realty and the Hope Preparatory Academy. Everyone is invited to stop by and take advantage of the free lending library. Their bookmobile helps Thom, Toby and their team of volunteers to better serve appearance requests.

Follow them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/HopeInternationalChurchBuddyBreak/. Visit: https://gohopechurch.com/special-needs.

For More Information or To Book An Appearance, contact Thom Battisto at Read to Sydney — 407-247-8595. Email: readtosydney@aol.com. Like and follow them on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/readtosydney/ or visit: http://www.readtosydney.org/

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