Saturday, August 6th turned out to be an extra special day for Blender Boyz and Sugar House Bake Shop as they were both the first-place winners at the People’s Choice Dessert & Summer Drinks Challenge.  But they were not the only ones who had a great day.  All the vendors got the opportunity to share their delicious products with the over 200 people who attended, and those attending not only got to sample all the yummy goodies, but they also had the opportunity to tour all the interesting buildings in the Historic Village. 

The other winners included T & C PhillyStyle who took third place in the dessert category with their many flavored ices while Cookie Queen placed second with a wide sampling of their offerings.  In the beverage category, Golden Hills Coffee Roaster walked away for second place.

The People’s Choice Challenge is an annual, free, family-friendly event sponsored by the Clermont Historical Society and the vendors on the last weekend before school starts.  It is designed to give families the opportunity to end their summer on a happy, local note.  Planning has already begun for 2023.  Unless the school board makes a major shift in the opening of the school year, next year’s Challenge will be on Saturday, August 5th

If you didn’t get a chance to join the festivities on Saturday, you can still visit the Historic Village, 490 West Avenue.  The Village is open every Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  There won’t be free goodies, but all the buildings will be open.  You can tour them at your leisure or one of the volunteer docents will be your personal guide.  The Historical Society is also planning its annual Heritage Festival to be held on Saturday, November 5th.  It is another family-friendly way to spend an afternoon.  Hope to see you there!

Photos by Larry Oskin

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